Thursday, September 8, 2011

Unit Three

 Number Five ; Basically this poem is about a women praying for husband to be the one let into heaven. Since the belief of the puritians was that only certain people was allowed to go to heaven and the rest would be sent to held.

Number Four ;   Metaphor; The Black clouds of god wraths form above your head
  its comparing gods anger and a storm.

Number Three;  The sermon used more emotions than resons because they relied on more of what the puritians feeled or beilieved in. They tried scaring people saying that God only saved certain people and this was outta emotion not reason. 

Nmuber Two ;    I found alot of differences between the native americans and the puritians. The Native Americans believed that animals were the gods that started the earth, as far as the puritians they believed that god made the earth.

Number One ;
 I belive this unit will touch on understanding more literary work and being able to analyze and identify elements of a poem and analyzes reasons and emotions in a persuasive literary work.


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